Good-bye Garden Services

Quite frankly it has been very evident that this, all of this is not enough financially to support my family and our goals for the future. I always hoped it would be, but as I put more pressure on turning this very seasonal thing into a full-time gig, magic and creativity started to dwindle. The spark and my whole why for doing this began to fade. And only up until recently did I learn that 90% of farmers actually have another job. It’s all making sense to me now. Farming is one of those passion projects. If there is anything I’ve learned, it is that letting your side hustle stay a side hustle can make for a more sustainable one. I’ll be honest, it has been hard to ignore the noise and the push for whatever the “next step” should be. This isn’t the case for all, but for some it may resonate. I know how I operate and it isn’t linear.

Deciding to phase out our Garden Maintenance Services and focus on Landscape & Floral Design will ultimately allow for me to pursue growing and using flowers playfully. At the same time I will be able to make an impact in your gardens by implementing native and no or low maintenance plantings. I have always wanted to inform and inspire my community with my work. I believe in regenerative gardening! I also believe in the benefits that growing and buying local flowers has on our local economy AND our communal environment. It is a slippery slope and a tempting one to purchase flowers to supplement in those off season months, but the whole reason why I am doing this is to stay in love with the process and bring along others for the ride. Without that it is dead. For me at least, to ignore the seasons would bring death to my vision.

For our current clients, we will see you and your gardens through! I shared a few months ago how bittersweet it has been to witness your growth, to see you empowered and tending your gardens solo. This is evidence I have done my job…and perhaps run myself out of a job. Ha! Truly I wouldn’t have it any other way. Maybe we can graduate to gardening buddies now?

What’s next? My favorite time to grow as you all know is during the cool seasons. Not only does this align with my family’s schedule, it works out for most of you all too. Summers are never very fruitful because most people are taking vacations and the normal routine is not consistent. Flowers don’t sell very well in the warm season for us. Stay tuned for our floral offerings this spring!

note: this post was updated to specify which garden services we are shedding and what direction we are heading in.


The Gardens at Refuge


Health Benefits of Gardening